The Words of the Lord God to be Spoken Now … with Signs and Wonders from Heaven Above!

The Lord God to His servant chosen for NOW:

O servant of I, the Most High … I have chosen you to declare My words to the whole Earth in this very time – at the end of this “Age of Grace under the Law!”

The end, at its very end of the “Time of the End”, is now upon mankind and the Earth. Without exception … all things prophesied shall come to pass of this time spoken … but not quite the way most interpret those prophecies to be.

Nevertheless … the days spoken of are here O My servant. Now I shall call upon you to speak very great things of the Lord … and as you do, I shall send SIGNS and WONDERS upon and around you … and perform great miracles and awesome Godly works for you, all around you …

… so that My words shall go forth from America to the whole Earth … and many times over around it until the words I send are realized and come to fruition. For My words shall not just be heard, but also seen, felt, and known by most.

And then My servant, you shall magnify My holy name … exalt My GLORY … and announce My divine PRESENCE to the nation of America first, to Israel second, to the Tribes of Israel third, and then to the whole rest of the world.

As I open Heaven around you in blessing …

… I shall open Heaven in JUDGMENT unto mankind … with the Gates of Hell also … so that man shall either seek his Lord God … or seek the Principalities, the Powers, the Rulers, and the Hosts!

It shall be one or the other …

… for I declare that there shall be no middle ground … no gray areas. Either the righteous WHITE of the Lord … or the unrighteous and wicked BLACK of those who have fallen from Heaven!

My servant … go forth and preach and teach these things … as I work great and Godly things around you and through you. Then man shall know that I have sent you!

And when that happens …

… the whole world shall soon, very soon know thereafter that …

… I AM GOD …

… the CREATOR God …

… the Holy One of Israel …

… the Mighty One of America!


… and indeed there is absolutely, unequivocally no other!!!

End of Message

Thusly says the Almighty Lord God, as spoken, then written … this day, date, and time of …

… Thursday, the 4th of February 2016 at 11:47 PM – A/EST …

… Tampa Bay, Florida, The United States of America …

… the place where My Godly name is engraved!


… for Thursday the 25th of February 2016.




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