A Great Covenant of Peace which God has Promised to Declare to All Israel … is About to be Enforced …

A Great Covenant of Peace which God has Promised to Declare to All Israel … is About to be Enforced …

The Lord says thusly to Israel:

The days are at hand in which the Lord shall enforce a great “Covenant of Peace” – of God’s PEACE, that is.

O Israel, I shall bring your enemies to humiliation, shame, reproach, and defeat, delivering them into the hands of “Greater Israel” … which I shall unite all the Tribes into, of also ALL the nations of Israel.

For the Lord shall do a great and mighty work to bring forth this “Covenant of Peace” – amending the great Abrahamic Covenant with the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy of BONES and STICKS.

PEACE is coming, but only on the day after the completion of the “Wars of God” unto Israel’s enemies!

End of Message

Thusly says the Almighty Lord God, as spoken, then written … this day, date, and time of …

… Thursday, the 3rd of May 2018 at 2:40 PM – A/EDT …

… Tampa Bay, Florida, The United States of America …

… the place where My Godly, holy name is meticulously and awesomely engraved!


… for Monday, the 3rd of September 2018.





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