Exceptionalism – American and Godly!

Thus says the Lord unto America … My Chosen Nation:

O America …

… you are My chosen and called nation!

You are the peoples, the lands, and the nation that I designed and created to be at the head of all nations in these “End of Times”, at the prophesied “Time of the End.”

As you were from you very beginning … many of your peoples are Mine, who have also dedicated their many lands within you unto Me as well.

Although you have strayed from all I designed and set you to be …

… soon your Lord shall cause you stray no more!

For I AM the Lord your God and you are the nation I have CHOSEN and CALLED to be My very nation professing itself unto Godly “EXCEPTIONALISM”.

The other nations shout out and cry out against American EXCEPTIONALISM …

… but try as they might, they cannot outdo or outshout or outproduce or outduel the Lord your God who has raised you to be My JUDGE unto all the Earth!

Although you have deviated from this positional privilege and Godly, God-given responsibility … I am about to bring you back to do all I have pre-determined for you in very great and Godly purposes!

Know these things O America … for regardless of what some is within you think against Me, or what the other peoples, lands, and nations of the Earth think or wish …

… I, the Lord your God, created you in My own image of Godly EXCEPTIONALISM!

End of Message

Thusly says the Almighty Lord God, as spoken, then written … this day, date, and time of …

… Saturday, the 22nd of November 2014 at 1:07 am American EST …

… Tampa Bay, Florida, The United States of America.




… for more revelation and inspiration … go to these websites.