Eclipses Portend Great Things Coming – as Signs in the Heavens Prophesied …

The Lord God unto the Earth:

O Earth …

… there shall be a great blood red moon on My holy feast of Passover coming forth.

This shall be one of the most significant ones in history because of what it portends, which shall soon pour out upon the Earth.

For this eclipse succeeds, by two weeks, the greatest total solar eclipse that will have come upon the Earth in its short history of six days.

The solar eclipse portends great calamity for mankind – for those peoples, lands, and nations who do not call me God!

This recent solar eclipse represented eleven heavenly AND Godly signs of its significance pertaining to a great PARADIGM SHIFT in world events.

The coming lunar eclipse shall portend great things for those who do indeed call Me God!

Both these eclipses together show that the greatest existential period of mankind’s existence on the Earth is being foretold.

Soon shall that which was prophesied by these eclipses, in one of the Psalms of My holy written WORD, shall now come to pass, in fruition, to be fulfilled in absolute IMMINENCE.

Thereafter, the “Great and Terrible Day of the Lord” shall come after even greater judgment falls upon the Earth, also as prophesied.

In between, there shall be great, very great blessing, upon those who honor, love, and obey Me, and those who desire to do so … unlike any other time in the history of man!

End of Message

Thusly says the Almighty Lord God, as spoken, then written … this day, date, and time of …

… Wednesday, the 1st of April 2015 at 12:00 AM

… Tampa Bay, Florida, The United States of America.



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